Have you tried Canva?


As I become a little more experienced in the blogging world (still have a long way to go) I am learning more about graphics, how to include them, and most of all how to create my own. There are SO many sites out there for helping you, some free and some paid, that it can get overwhelming. At least it started to get a little overwhelming for me. I searched around for free sites first (duh) because I’m a frugal kind of person. This is when I found Canva.




There are so many options. You can also upload your own photos to use as backgrounds as well. Some advanced options and images have a charge, but the only charge I have ever seen was $1.00 each. I love the easiness of using this site, the options, and downloading the graphic so much better than any of the other (free) sites I attempted to use.

Here are a few of my “creations” thus far šŸ˜‰ :

To all of Our New Followers!-1


July 4th


Things to Do Thursday


Untitled design-4


Untitled design-2



Untitled design


ALWB - July photo challenge




I know some of them are not completely fabulous, but hey, I’m still figuring it all out. Have you ever used Canva? Do you have another website to make graphics that I might have overlooked?

Share them with me!!

Southern Mom Life Weekly Graphics

Happy Friday, everyone!!

I am making a few changes to my posts!! I have decided to post Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday of each week. Also, to keep me organized I am going to post about the same topics on each day. Each topic also now has a graphic that will be included at the beginning of each post. Look for them starting next week!!

Untitled design-4

Untitled design-2

Things to Do Thursday

Untitled design-1

Look for an upcoming post on the website I used to create these graphics!!


What Apps I’m Using on a Daily Basis



Today I am letting y’all in on the secrets of the Southern Mom Life iPhone. Secrets… Ha! I’m not much of a gamer and don’t really edit my photos a million ways. I don’t even make collages, but these things helps me survive and more or less pass the time unproductively… depending on the moment. Here’s what I currently love and use every day on my phone:



1. Mail – Although I am on the computer at work, this enables me to check my personal emails on lunch, etc. And send a quick response when needed. Having access to email also makes it easy when I am out and about and have a moment to check it. I know I hate when it has been a week since someone responded to me šŸ˜‰

2. Fitbit – This is an App I have been using since the end of May. I LOVE it! And I really want a Fitbit device to wear as well to keep up with my sleeping patterns too. That’s on my wishlist at the moment. (Along with 100 other things.) I use this to keep me on track for being more active and drinking water!! fitbit1

fitbit2It also lets you enter a weight goal and it gives you a daily “Calories Burned” Goal in order to help you achieve your weight loss goal. You can also enter what you eat and it will monitor the calories for you! Looking for a fitness app that will really help hold you accountable? Download Fitbit from the App store for FREE!

3. Instagram – Well, this is a little self explanatory. Who doesn’t already have Instagram? šŸ˜‰ I am also on it a little extra lately as I try to build the Alabama Women Bloggers Instagram page as well. Follow us both at @cindy_britton and @alwomenbloggers !!

4. NOAA Weather – This is also a FREE app that is awesome when keeping up with the radar, satellite, etc. It pinpoints to your location, so make sure you enable location access for this app in your settings. Click on your location’s pinpoint and you can also access temperatures, 3 day forecasts, humidity, and all of that.



You live in a town severely affected by the April 27, 2011 tornado outbreak like I do, and you will appreciate and love this FREE interactive app with an continuously updating radar!


5. Life at Cornerstone – This is my church’s app! It is awesome. Even if you don’t attend my church or even live remotely close enough to, you can access an entire album recorded by the praise and worship team to help keep you motivated and uplifted. You can access previous messages from the pastor and a series from his wonderful wife. There is also a Daily Confessions and Study Center to help you grow in your every day Christian walk when you need a little guide help with your individual bible study. There is also a place to submit a prayer request! This is an app I definitely need in my every day life!! šŸ™‚

Cornerstone 4



Cornerstoe 3


Cornerstone 1



Cornerstone 2


What apps are you using on a daily basis? Are you weird like me and refuse to pay for apps? What apps help you survive today’s crazy world??

I Apologize in Advance

I started Graduate School just this week. I am taking two classes every semester between now and Spring 2017. Whew.

Not mention I am getting married in 4 months! Yikes! So let’s just say that between now and Christmas I will be busy.

If this Summer and then closer to October I become like a ghost town around the blog, please don’t give up hope!

After the wedding and I adjust to taking classes again, hopefully things will return to semi-normal.

What is normal anyway?? šŸ˜‰

A Self Interview for ALWB #2.

1. Name & Birthday
My name is Cindy Britton and I was born October 11.
2. How long have you been blogging?
I have only been blogging since November 2013. So, about 6 months give or take. You can follow me here at Southern Mom Life.
3. What is your favorite part of being a blogger and why?
My favorite part about blogging would have to be the “meeting” new people that are from all over the country and world. Also, the discovering new activities and others’ opinions on things is another of my favorites.
4. Why did you start blogging?
I’m not real sure why I started blogging. I love to talk and also loved to blog hop and read others’ blogs and ideas. One day I just thought, “hey, I can do that too.”
5. Tell us a little about your Family.
We have a 3 year old daughter who never stops moving unless she is asleep. šŸ˜‰ She is a very busy little girl from dress up, picnics and tea parties, Barbies, fishing, drawing/painting/coloring, baby dolls, youth rodeos, singing, and playing outside she definitely keeps us B-U-S-Y! We also have a 7.5 month old Miniature Long-haired Dachshund named Sofia the First and a Welsh Pony named Sugar.Ā 
We are getting married October 2014 in a private ceremony in Asheville, North Carolina and having a reception for family and friends at home that next Saturday.
6. Where are you from?
I am from Lawrence County, a rural area in North Alabama. I lived in Troy, AL for a while during my undergrad years and have since then moved back.

A photo I took last summer while riding around one afternoon with the fam!

7. What is your greatest achievement?
Teaching my daughter about Jesus and influencing her love for church, her Bible, and “learning about Jesus.”
8. If you could live anywhere where would it be and why?
I think as long as I had my daughter and fiance/husband, I wouldn’t mind living anywhere! I want to travel and as long as I had the opportunity to move again.. I would consider living anywhere for a while. (Excluding places like Antarctica, Iceland, etc. other than that I’d be good!)
9. Favorite Movie?
All time favorite would have to be…. Pearl Harbor.
10. Favorite Music/Song?
Every great song I hear is my favorite. Ha!! I honestly don’t think I could choose just one. I do listen to Country music (very old and new) and also contemporary Christian.
11. What are your hobbies?
Blogging (obviously šŸ˜‰ ); outdoor activities like hiking, canoeing, a new found love for kayaking, etc.; arts and crafts ideas with my daughter; DIY stuff for my home; reading.
before planting
Sispey River 1
Sipsey River 5
12. What inspires you?
Mainly my daughter. Because of her I want to be a better person and better mother. She constantly wants her nails or hair done like mine. Just this morning she wanted to wear aĀ  sweater over her dress because I had one on. She inspires me to be the role model I should be. As a result, I want to live life to the fullest so that she learns to do the same. I want to try new things and never limit myself in hopes that she lives a wonderful and adventure-filled life.
Khloe Birthday11
13. Favorite Color?
Orange. I think. Can I just like the rainbow? šŸ™‚
14. What is your dream job?
Working with underprivileged and troubled children. Hopefully in an elementary school setting (preferably.) Changing the lives of children who otherwise would think they didn’t have a chance to reach their goals/dreams.
15. What are you looking forward to most in 2014
Getting married! šŸ˜€ Also, getting to spend more time dedicated to my daughter! I also can’t wait to grow my blog and see where all of its adventures take me!
If you would like to join me and follow along on my rambling life adventures, please follow my blog and you can also find me on Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Hope you have a great week and start to Summer!

Venus Snap VoxBox



I am honored to have been selected to review another product through Influenster. They mailed me the product and I have to use it for a few weeks and then submit reviews on it. I share them on twitter and on the Influenster site. (I could also share on Facebook, but I don’t have one of those.) Basically, I’m testing the new product for the company so that they can create brand awareness because a company’s greatest branding opportunity is word of mouth. This time I received a Gillete Venus Snap:

photo (2)

Is that not the cutest razor you have ever seen? Haha! It is so tiny. It is for on the go moments when you accidentally missed a spot, forgot to shave, etc. It fits in the console of my car. I think it might would fit in my pocket!!

I can’t wait to use this a few times and see how well it works.



Southern Mom Life on Social Media

Good afternoon ladies and gents!

I hope you are preparing for a great Memorial Day Weekend!

As I attempt to grow my presence on Southern Mom Life, I want to ask you to join me on all forms of social media that I represent!

First and foremost, of course sign up to follow me here on the Blog! I would appreciate that very much. (;

You can also find me on:





Please feel free to join me and share the blog with everyone you know! I love to connect with people.

Have a great weekend!